
Royal Signals Charity

Royal Signals Charity, beyond benevolence. Adding real value to Corps life. Our efforts go to helping Signallers in hardship, need or distress and also used to add value to life in the Corps – through sports, adventurous training, events, heritage, awards and so much more – officially termed ‘Corps morale and efficiency’.

More than a third of benevolence recipients are aged 65 or older. One case in ten is for a serving soldier. As a grant making charity the Royal Signals Charity does not do casework but does work closely with charities who do. Once a need has been established the caseworker will approach the Royal Signals Charity (and potentially other charities too) for a grant to provide funds for those Royal Signals Soldiers / dependants who are in situations of hardship, distress or need.

The Royal Signals Charity deals with approximately two new cases every working day. One benevolence request does not preclude others.

To contact the Royal Signals Grants Co-Ordinator please email

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