
The Community Heartbeat Trust

"The Community Heartbeat Trust (CHT) is a national charity dedicated to saving lives in the event of a cardiac arrest. Founded in 2009, we focus on equipping communities across England, Scotland, and Wales with defibrillators and providing essential training to non-medically trained individuals. Our grassroots approach emphasizes the importance of immediate response, as the nearest bystander is often the most critical in saving a life.


CHT has established over 6,397 community partnerships, delivering life-saving training to over 250,000 people. Our defibrillators have been used 8049 times by the public to attempt to save a life. We also extend our support to individuals with genetic conditions predisposing them to cardiac arrest, homeless shelters, specialist schools, and other underfunded groups.


Our mission aligns with the Chain of Survival, focusing on the immediate recognition of cardiac arrest, prompt initiation of CPR, early defibrillation, and optimal post-resuscitation care. We provide ongoing support, including post-rescue trauma counseling and a robust system for defibrillator maintenance and governance.


By removing the fear surrounding CPR and defibrillator use, CHT empowers communities to act confidently in emergencies, significantly improving survival rates and fostering a culture of life-saving readiness."

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