
The Jordan Sinnott Foundation Trust

"The Jordan Sinnott Foundation Trust want to enable young people to reach their sporting potential and create new opportunities for those who may otherwise not have them. We believe that by supporting the amazing work being done by grass-root projects we can help them keep helping others. Our vision works towards ensuring that all children have access to their chosen sport regardless of financial or social disadvantage.
We aim to achieve our mission by following our JORD principles;

We will act justly and in accordance with our moral standard as set out in our Charitable Objectives.

We want to provide the opportunity for individuals, clubs, groups, and team to harness the power of sport, play and physical activity.

In providing grant funding for vulnerable and under privileged children and young adults, we aim to remove the barrier to taking part in sport.

We believe that every child and young adult deserves the right to fulfil their potential."

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